Be Transparent!

Hi lovelies, It's a new day 😉maintain a positive attitude and be happy. So today we will be looking at a vital topic 'Transparency' in relationships Mtcheew, I don't like what you said oh honestly. Yesterday you said we will visit your parents,today you are telling me they travelled. Last week you said we were going to Shop Rite, today you are just acting strange . Hmmm does this sound like you? How transparent are you in a relationship? Transparency begins by being honest with yourself before being honest with others. Dealing with someone who speaks from behind a mask can be appalling. Have you ever presented yourself to be who you are not? Have you ever treasured a dear friend who stabs you in the back and spread silly rumors about you? Or perhaps you have done it to others😐😑 It's even more devastating when you have invested so much in a relationship. One of the canons of transparency according to Robb D. Thompson is stra...