Do You Have A Fixed OR A Growth Mindset?

Hey darling, how are you today? Welcome to another episode on Mindsets.. In the the last topic, I addressed Mindsets, what a mindset is and how it relates to our individual lives. I also trust that we took the test😎 because I did too☺ and shared it with our friends so they could learn new things alongside with us. No man is a repository of knowledge the more we learn, the more we share the greater we become. Oops I learnt the link was not working. I apologize profusely for that.. Please check here... You can type it in your browser. So today like I promised, we will examine the types of mindset which is 'Fixed Mindset' and Growth Mindset'. To begin, if you took the test Congratulations🔹🔷 and if you didn't congratulations to you too. Why? Because those who did took a step forward and those who didn't see the need to satisfied themselves.. To take a big leap into new things,you have to look beyond yourself and take your mind off why yo...