Growth Mindset vs the Work Place

Yaay, it's a new day! Hi darling, how are you today? So for a while now, emphasis has been laid on Mindsets and how it affects the things we do. Today I will be sharing with you on Growth Mindset vs the Workplace. Why am I doing this? Because it's important and it will propel you forward in your workplace..Let's get started, I'd be sharing the story of a man name Jack Welch and how he propelled himself positively towards the development of his organization.. "Leadership is about growth and passion not about brilliance"-Carol Dweck.. Jack Welch took over GE(General Electric) in 1980, when the company was valued at $14billion dollars. Twenty years later it was still valued by Wall Street at $490 billion dollars. it was the most valuable company in the world but before he made this landmark, he eliminated the fixed mindset from his organization; he had to begin with himself.. Really? Although he had his shortcomings he determined to be a growth minded manager,...