You are the SALT and not an INSULT

Hey lovie Listen up! You are the SALT and not an INSULT You may be in a dire situation that requires urgent attention... Don't live in tension lest you remain in detention.. Move in progression and not retrogression... The grass is green on the other side You may have been downtrodden because you look casual..aha! Rise up and accept responsibility for your life.. You have a role to play too .. Remember you are the SALT and not an INSULT! You were born for a purpose, discover it and work at it! Quit grumbling and grow up! It's never too late to live a meaningful life. Don't be afraid to take risks and venture into new things or you get risked out of life... Remember, Saul was looking for an ass and he found a throne... You are the SALT and not an INSULT Men may look down on you and cast you out like a stone.. What does he /she even have to offer they say..... You may have been ridiculed on all sides but you are not an INSULT. Will the tides ever change? W...