Growth Mindset vs the Work Place

Yaay, it's a new day!

Hi darling, how are you today? So for a while now, emphasis has been laid on Mindsets and how it affects the things we do. Today I will be sharing with you on Growth Mindset vs the Workplace. Why am I doing this? Because it's important and it will propel you forward in your workplace..Let's get started, I'd be sharing the story of a man name Jack Welch and how he propelled himself positively towards the development of his organization..

"Leadership is about growth and passion not about brilliance"-Carol Dweck.. 

Jack Welch took over GE(General Electric) in 1980, when the company was valued at $14billion dollars. Twenty years later it was still valued by Wall Street at $490 billion dollars. it was the most valuable company in the world but before he made this landmark, he eliminated the fixed mindset from his organization; he had to begin with himself.. Really? Although he had his shortcomings he determined to be a growth minded manager,a guide not a judge, he learned to select people based on their mindset not their pedigree. He was not a perfect person but he was devoted to growth. This in turn kept him connected to humanity and he was in touch with humanity.

Now, I am not saying education is bad. But if you studied at top ranking universities and your operating system is a fixed mindset then you won't see results. You may say Aha' that's Jack Welch, how about you? You yes YOU?? What mindset are you operating from at your workplace?Do you do your work with a sense of value or you just do it to get paid? Everything you do should be done with a sense of purpose. If you do it shabbily,it is to your own detriment,if you do it well it's to your good too. Elevate your perspectives, integrate a growth mindset into your work and you will see changes.

Task for today..

Kindly attempt these questions and write the answers in your Journal.. I believe you have one๐Ÿ˜Š. 

1. Are you in a fixed -mindset or growth mindset workplace?

2. Do you feel people are just judging you, or are they helping you develop yourself?

3. How do you act towards others in your workplace? For those who are top managers,are you focused more on your power than the well-being of the employee? 

4. Are there ways you could create more learning experiences for your employees?

You can also read this book authored by Lou Gerstner ..Who Says Elephants can't dance. 

And to the fantastic employees, do your work with a sense of value, all the beautiful words you said in the interview room the day you were interviewed๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚, live it out and don't become too passive.

Cheers to your rise

You can do better.. Yes you can✔

I believe you will be successful. Have a great day

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