Do You Have A Fixed OR A Growth Mindset?
Hey darling, how are you today? Welcome to another episode on Mindsets.. In the the last topic, I addressed Mindsets, what a mindset is and how it relates to our individual lives. I also trust that we took the test😎 because I did too☺ and shared it with our friends so they could learn new things alongside with us. No man is a repository of knowledge the more we learn, the more we share the greater we become.
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So today like I promised, we will examine the types of mindset which is 'Fixed Mindset' and Growth Mindset'. To begin, if you took the test Congratulations🔹🔷 and if you didn't congratulations to you too. Why? Because those who did took a step forward and those who didn't see the need to satisfied themselves.. To take a big leap into new things,you have to look beyond yourself and take your mind off why you think that step you are taking isn't going to work for you. So either ways you are correct.. If you think you can and you think you can't, you are correct.
Your mindset is part of your identity. If you can shift your identity, you can change your mindset. But how do you shift your identity toward growth?
As James Clear observed:
In my experience, the only way I know to change the type of person that you believe that you are — to build a new and better identity for yourself — is to do so with small, repeated actions.
Fixed Mindset versus Growth Mindset
#1. In a fixed mindset, individuals believe they are either born with talent or they’re not. They’re either naturally good at something, or they’re not. They view intelligence as a fixed trait. They believe inborn talent determines success.
#2.Individuals with a growth mindset believe talent comes through effort. They believe anyone can be good at anything; that their abilities can be developed through dedication, perseverance, and the right strategy.
This is a serious matter because it affects even the way we relate with others too. According to Dweck, you can convert life's setbacks into huge successes.
Let's examine these statements about intelligence mindset and personality and Character and You decide whether you mostly agree or disagree with each one.
Intelligence Mindset( BY DWECK)
1.Your intelligence is something very basic about you that you can’t change very much.
2.You can learn new things, but you can’t really change how intelligent you are.
3.No matter how much intelligence you have, you can always change it quite a bit.
4.You can always substantially change how intelligent you are.
Questions 1 and 2 reflect a fixed-mindset. Questions 3 and 4 point to a growth mindset.
Personality and Character Mindset
1. You are a certain kind of person and there is nothing much that can be done to really change that.
2. No matter what kind of person you are, you can always change substantially.
3.You can do things differently but the important parts of who you are can't really be changed
4. You can always change basic things about the kind of person you are...
Which of these can you relate with? Question 1&3 are Fixed and Question 2&4 are Growth.
Do well to record your honest answers. If you determine in your mind to seek more, you will always get more out of life. Your personality mindset comes into play in situations that involves your personal qualities while your intelligence mindset comes into play with situations that involve your mental ability..
The choice is yours darling... Your mindset can be changed..
You are priceless..
Have a great day
Our series continues in our next episode...
Mindsets and Relationships...
Don't forget to share this with your colleagues and friends..