Identifying the relationships in your life

Relationships are the building blocks of life and one of the resources God has ladened us with. Often times people resort to finance as the only  means of forging ahead. Having money is not a bad idea after all👯but it should not be a defining yardstick.

In identifying relationships that are pivotal to your life, its expedient that you watch how the people in your life respond to different situations that arise.

Everyone that comes into your life should not automatically qualify to be your friend. Don't build relationships with the wrong people. 

Integrity is a determinant factor when assessing new relationships. There is no greater attribute than integrity.

The purpose of relationship is not to have fun but to build up one another. "As iron sharpens iron,so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend".

Remember whatever you make happen for others,God will make happen for you.

You rock😶


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