Meet Ozioma, the proud mother of an amputee


I'm so excited.Top of the morning to you all.

So today as part of my goals to celebrate women who have gone through fire,defied the odds and are still standing, I went further to interview Ozioma Chioma Alagba,the proud mother of an amputee.

Stay tuned as she shares her story.

Ebele Anne-Marie: Hello darling, good morning.
Ozioma:Good morning

Ebele Anne-Marie: I am Ebele Anne-Marie

1. Can I meet you?
Ozioma;My name is Mrs Alagba ozioma Chioma, I am also known as the woman of the moment

2. Can you tell me what led to the amputation?

Chioma Ozioma: Michael was born with a congenital limb deformity known as bilateral tibia heamimelia, a case where the biggest born below the knee is absent, after four years michael could not walk as a result of the missing tibia, doctors adviced that amputation was the best and only option if we ever want him to live an independent life, so his legs has to be amputated

3. Ebele Anne-Marie: Was he experiencing problems before this happened?

Chioma Ozioma: No he was not experiencing any difficulties except the fact that he couldn't walk when his mates did

4. How did you cope financially?

The lord was our provider, for everything we ever needed he provided

5. Ebele Anne-Marie: Did it have any physiological effect on him?

  Chioma Ozioma: No not at all

6. Ebele Anne-Marie: Who was your strong support?

Chioma Ozioma: My strong support was my husband, he never blamed or got angry or left me alone, he was always there for me, another strong support i had was my family and friends, i had the best kind of friends, in prayers i was supported  ,they stood by me all the way, Michael's siblings was another support he had, they loved and cared for him a lot, they always always wished him well above all my biggest and strongest support was God. He was with me in his above all my biggest and strongest support was God,he was with me in his journey from start to finish, He told me that truly he is my God of awesome wonders, onise iyanu

7. Ebele Anne-Marie: How did you pull through this?

Chioma Ozioma: By prayers, this phase of my life brought me close to God, it opened my eyes of understanding, it thought me whom God is and how he loved me unconditionally, I learnt how  to pray and I kept praying,others prayed for me, prayers helped me pull through

8. Ebele Anne-Marie: So how he is doing presently?

Chioma Ozioma: Michael is an amazing child, he is presently doing great, he plays football, with the help of his prosthesis he is independent, active and ready to be what God has destined him to be

9. What exactly has this experience taught you?

Chioma Ozioma: I have learnt to be grateful, to trust in God all the more, i have learnt that no matter what happens to me God has his mark on it, he is interested in every little detail of our lives  if only we can trust Him to take us through, there are people going through worst situations than you know, so be grateful, God is not partial

10. Ebele Anne-Marie: Do you have a word of encouragement to other women out there?

Chioma Ozioma: Yes, my word of encouragement to women struggling with children is this : be open, don't hide anything or be ashamed of that child, speak out, talk about it, be bold and be positive and remember so many battles can be won on  your knees

Chioma Ozioma: God is not asleep, if only we can invite him into the situations of our lives, he won't come unless you invite him because he respects our choice. God is faithful, he uses the foolish things to confound the wise, he loves us and wants to go through that valley with us and bring us into his rest

Ebele Anne-Marie: Thank you so much Chioma Ozioma. I am  blessed by this.
Thank you once again. This is highly appreciated


Dinma said…
Ozioma, you are one courageous woman. God will continue to be your strength and shield. Amen!
Unknown said…
Wow.... Ozioma this Dr. Chinenye your Cousine. We had no idea wat you were going through. But am glad everything is fine. And really, a big thumbs up to cause you proved to the world how strong we women are. Thanks to almighty God.
Unknown said…
Wow.... Ozioma this Dr. Chinenye your Cousine. We had no idea wat you were going through. But am glad everything is fine. And really, a big thumbs up to cause you proved to the world how strong we women are. Thanks to almighty God.
Unknown said…
So touching... #gratefulheart
Wow! Dr. Chineye... It sounds great to know you are cousins.. please try and get in touch with her more often. You know most times. Thanks for your comments
Unknown said…
Thanks for sharing Ozioma's story, it's indeed an inspiring one. Ozioma, you are one courageous woman! More strength and grace to you, Michael and your entire family.
Unknown said…
A brave and courageous woman for real, the heart of a loving, lovely and caring mother love u ma

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