Pray for our Girls

Hello everyone😁😁

I'm so excited🙋👭👭👭👭

It gives me great joy to make this announcement.

Good morning to you all.

We all know there are a lot of things going on in the world today especially with our Girls. So to this end I'm inviting young girls, to join in an e-prayer assembly held thrice a week for 30 minutes
Who can join: younger girls,older girls,and mother's.  This is a clarion call to all girls . Please inform your siblings,sisters, friends.

Why are we praying: To rescue young girls from the trap of immorality and the wiles of the devil

Let's pray for our Girls. I've attached a link  here.

You can also send your numbers to the phone numbers in this flier

It's an assembly you will love to be part of

Let's do this and preserve the next generation from decadence .

For further inquiries you can mail us at

Kindly rebroadcast
Thank you. God bless you


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