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What do you say to yourself daily?
What do you say regarding your business?
We are not just a product of our decisions but also products of our thoughts. I have realized that whatever you say to yourself sticks fast over time. This is why our lives follows the direction of our words.
 Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a part of our brain that makes words that get repeated over time as part of our identity, positive or negative.

The kind of seeds we sow,determines what we reap in our daily lives. Affirmations are like seeds sown
Our subconscious mind doesn´t know the difference between past and future; all is here and now. It doesn´t know the difference between yes or no. It just reacts as if its truth (RAS). That is why it is so important to mind what we say

Thank you for dropping by today, I have a free gift for you. I believe you will find this useful as you navigate in your entreprenurial journey particularly if you are in the Network Marketing space
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