Relationship Maintenance

We are all products of relationships either those that worked or those that didn't work๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.

Top of the morning to you all...

So hearty cheers to all the amazing guys out there who put in their best in maintaining their relationships and making it work cos in essence it just has to work and ❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣๐Ÿ’Œ๐Ÿ’ž congratulations to the babe's,wives etc who never gave up on that guy. It takes a lot of work to make it Work and that's the focal point of our gist today. Last week we examined sacrifice and relationships and I narrated my own experience,how I made a sacrifice that almost ended as a burnt offering. Overtime I have come to discover that maintaining relationships is real work,most ladies especially want to be maintained but are not ready to invest and do same for their partners. See ehn! If you are always at the receiving end receiving all the goodies you will stink because nothing is coming out from you.Bitter truth! 

All relationships need maintenance. A relationship thst is not maintained does not exist. Oya vex๐Ÿ’”in order for a relationship to thrive it requires attention while some relationships require daily attention others may be just weekly.No matter how poised you are if you don't work at maintaining relationships they will degenerate with time.

Now there is an important principle to remember when maintaining relationships which is the law of response. According to Robb D. Thompson,the law of response states that: What you do first determines what someone does next because anything that is done will cause a response. Hmm.gorrit?๐Ÿ’ฌthis goes on to show that whatever you deposit into the life of another determines how that person will respond to you. 

Reactions matter a lot in a relationship and they come from the responses you give. Negative reactions triggers the end of a flourishing relationship most times it may even be your attitude which we will address tomorrow and when this happens before you say Sugar pie that's the end of the deal.

Make a commitment to maintain the relationships in your life the best possible way you can and state it out plainly don't try to impress. Don't do oversabi๐Ÿ’ฆ. Don't weave in and out of people's lives the way you like or when next you return the door will be shut against you. 

#Do your best to maintain your relationships

#Don't make promises you can't keep. Just be You! 

I hope this helps

Have a beautiful day and make adjustments where necessary


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