Relationships and bad Habits Part 1

Habits are not instincts but acquired reactions.

How do you react to situations? How do you react in response to your spouse,friends and colleagues?

In order to build healthy relationships it's expedient that you examine your habits. Overtime people have come to accept their habits as a vital part of their make up. I've heard men shout on their wives as though Kirikiri prison is their natural habitat and these women in turn have accepted it as a way of life because they have gotten accustomed to it.

For a relationship to thrive it feeds on love,respect and kind words. Your habits can either make you or mar you. A bad habit can make you lose an interesting deal particularly if you are a pathological liar.. Habits don't just happen they are caused. If you have developed the habit of telling lies to the extent that you are a professional at it and you get away with it desist from it! Often times I hear people say these words... It's too hard.. ehen! Abeg leave me it's who I am.

It's not who you are! It is because you have fed your mind with those negative thoughts that it stays with you and you find it difficult to change. Don't let your negative habits cause you your marriage, relationship with others  or even your job. A lot of people are guilty of this . There is no future in saying it can't be done. Gaining control of your life involves responsibility for your words, thought's and actions

Act responsibly
Develop good habits


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