The Battle of Identity! 1

Yaay! Thank God it's Monday! Lol.. Monday again yeah. Have a different approach today and you will enjoy your work.. So let's get started....

Welcome to a new weekπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ. Top of the morning to you all. I hope you had a great week? Thanks for staying glued with me. I value you..

So today let's examine another topic titled 'The battle of identity.

See ehn! Just shut up thereπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. You don't know me oh. You don't just know me! Infact I don't have your time at all. If I choose to shout you won't like it just don't try me.  Try you ke? Oops..... Really? 

Who are You? You may say abeg I know myself oh...So have you done this before?  Have you spoken defiantly at someone in a bid to prove your identity or issued a timely warning in this regard?  At one phase or the other, we are always faced with this BIG question. Who are you? Even in relationships,we want to know who our partners are so we can see them for who they really are and accept them into our lives. We have different personalities and temperaments but that does not rule out your identity. 

The battle of identity' is crucial even in our society today. Till date most people are experts at identifying others to the point of stating their weaknesses but they don't  know a pin about themselves. Self discovery does not come on a platter of gold. So back to this question 'Who are You? You may have gone far in your career darling but you are not your career . You are different!  Your career is what you do to make a living and that's not you. It's pertinent that you get this settled so you don't live your life on a 'do me I do you' axis. Your identity must be established

This brings to the fore a phase in my life when I struggled with identity. Really? Yeah! So what did I do? I knew there was no point trying to be like everyone else otherwise I'd crash so I engaged in an opinion polls and selected my friends in my inner circle. I sampled their opinions by asking them questions and I gave them ample time to turn in their responses. At the end I collated their responses and sat down to sort it out. it was interesting . Did it really help me? It made me know their opinions about me and I just said hmm.I have seen things today but I made sure it didn't get to me..I just sieved it,wrote down my report and settled down to think deeply and today the story is different..

It doesn't fall like ripe cherries  but you must strive to know your true identity so you don't go around living a fake life. Be real! Be authentic! ...

I've a little exercise for you today.. Take your journal if you don't have one yet please do well to get one.Your life is a masterpiece,document your journey,lessons,and celebrate yourself. So the exercise is.... If you are given three minutes to tell the world about yourself what will you say? 

Sounds simple huhπŸ˜ƒ. yeah that's for you sweetie. Do it! Don't procrastinate and don't be afraidπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. 

You rock! 

Enjoy your day


Unknown said…
You begin to truly live when you discover yourself. No better way to say Anne-Marie! Thanks!

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