The battle of identity'2

Yaay! Its a new day! Be happy and don't let anyone steal your joy. Don't celebrate yourself only on special days celebrate yourself always and make your life count. Maximize the moment and fulfil your dreams. Top of the morning to you all😃.

In my last write-up, I shared how I did a sample opinion polls amongst my friends on 'Who do people say I am"and I also talked about how people are experts at knowing others and not having a single clue about their lives which is a risk to destiny. Often times I have heard people say Que sera sera-- whatever will be,will be... Whatever will be will not be oh honestly. If you let fate dictate your life you will make wrong decisions.

To further buttress my point let me share an excerpt using my own experience . At a phase in my life,I struggled with my identity. I was a copious copycat not copycat as per cheating in exams oh. Ehen before you say see this babe😂😂. Alright so what was I copying? I listened to people speak and I was quick to copy their lines like a photocopier machine,slot in my name and say that's me. Later I discovered it was just a waste of time and energy trying to be like someone else,walking in high stilettos and ditched it straight up.
So you must know who you are,know what you stand for, don't let anyone talk you into doing what is uncomfortable for you. At first it may be a tussle with your mind but as you persist you will realize many things you never thought of... I'm not promising you it will be a smooth ride but in the end its worth it.

#Stop trying to be like everyone else
Assignment for today. Lol
Take your journal and think creatively on this... who am I? Thereafter pen down 10 things that come to mind strongly
P.S. Don't write I'm fine,Iam tall, I can laugh... Give yourself an honest appraisal...It's worth it so you don't end up falling for anything..

Enjoy the rest of your day
Be proactive today


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