My dear reader πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

Do you that..........................

Life is the real deal and not a dress rehearsal?

In order to advance, you need to query your present level if you desire to see your next level.
There are no sentiments in destiny
Hence the need for advancement in the right direction

The beauty of an eagle does not lie in a cage but in its ability to soar.
Don't be trapped in the folly of comparing yourself with others.
Lepers became heroes because they made a decision to move.

Don't just  sit there! Move!

Don't wait till the doors are open. Move and the obstacles will give way. Until you move nothing changes..

Ehen? Move to where he says...I should just be moving abi..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

My dear reader, there are doors that open only when you are closer to them.
Every object remains at a position of rest until force is applied.

I have heard about your accurate plans so much that they carry a touch of divinity
I want to, I want to.......
I will,I will....
Oh when will you move? Very soon he says,as soon as things are perfect...

My dear reader, it is time to put action to your intention towards a positive direction to terminate stagnation and frustration..
Until you do so,you won't take delivery of your vision.
Dare the giants and move, set your fears aside.
Until David moved towards Goliath, he was not defeated.
He moved and put action to his intention
Then he made history
Why not make history?

You too can if only you decide to move
Move in the right direction.

Enjoy your day
#Anne's diary
I value you♥♥♥


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