Dealing with ANGER

In our last discussion,we established the following:

1. ANGER is a powerful emotion that leaves you feeling sore in embarrassing places
2. Many homes have been destroyed on account of ANGER

3.ANGER never pays

This ANGER of a thing what causes it? Is it my thoughts? or do I overreact?
Please note this, the way you see yourself matters, if you see yourself as a hopeless person, you will not see anything good coming your way, you will always have issues added to your daily life. Eh! Me ke? Abeg let me be going😂😂😂. Yes You! Negative thinking propels one's attitude in the wrong direction so correct your thinking patterns... And so? What is the connectivity between thinking pattern and ANGER??

<<< If your mind is full of only negative thoughts,you will have an outburst when a threat strikes your emotions.

<<< Most people feel threatened by individuals who don't listen to them when they talk. So when angry, do you imagine the situation in your head and feel no one truly hears you?

<<< Try exhaling, when your emotions build up and do not keep a closed fist

<<<If you can't determine a way to check mate your anger,find someone that you trust to help you command your overflowing emotions

Sometimes we fight the wrong battles because of displaced ANGER.. Is your ANGER displaced? Do you just snap at your spouse excessively because of what happened at the office? Don't get angry over things that won't change anything or improve the course of your life..

Control your emotions and keep moving forward....
Have a great day...


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