From Me to You Pt2

Hmmm* klez throatπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

My precious readers😍😍😍😍.Oh my😘
Hehehehe you won't believe it.. Things have changed! Chai!. The last time I wrote to you, i narrated how I paced up and down my room refusing to pay heed to what my siblings said, how I woke up early in the morning and flooded your timelines with my articles spilling all over like liquid peak milk◾▪I have not flooded your timelines in a while because things have changed. Every experiences and challenges takes me to the next dimension on what is embedded within me..

How about You? Do you know what is inside you? I'm not in anyway referring to intestines and organs***. It's time for you to connect where you came from to where you are going++++. Most of you have not discovered what is inside you. I remember how I used to walk upandan those days like Ajala the travellerπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. without knowing I had been laced with huge deposits on my inside... You may be caught up with the mad rat race of living but there is always a time to reset and look inwards,only zombies move blindly without taking time to rest and drink water from a nearby stream*** I know you are not a zombie.. You are a beautiful masterpiece crafted by a loving sculptor with beautiful intent... 

So as I was saying, these deposits had to go through the furnace inorder to be refined..... Others had experienced a surge of divinity and had come alive without my consent. Jeez☺. Thank God for the furnace. See my dear, there are no elevators to destiny,you just have to use the staircase. Climbing the stairs to destiny involves putting one foot first then another. It does not work Vaam like jet. It requires diligence and patience. If you climb hurriedly, you will get to the top still, but the pains you will experience around your legs will be unbearable and your heart will pant heavily as though you saw a ghost*"* I recall vividly how I climbed the stairs of Obafemi Awolowo Hall University of Ibadan during my undergraduate days...Those whose rooms were D66,G58,F54 and E55 can tell the difference***

What destiny route are you on presently... Are you at a point of intersection? Are you still caught up with the mad rat race of living?, Have you discovered your potentials and if Yes, have you tapped into them or you are still wallowing in fear?? Whatever the case may be, it's time to step into your purpose and take your place in destiny. I'm saying this because I believe in you.....I don't need to see you face to face first*** I'd be glad to help 😊If I can't use what I've been through to help then I'm not encouraging anybody or contributing to the world positively.. Of what use will it be? God helps you through hard times so you can help someone else..  So here is the dealπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ. 

What is it? Purpose Discovery Academy is a transformational boot camp for young people who want to defy the odds,unveil their turf,unleash their potentials and step into their purpose. It runs for 21days with breaks in-between to enable you refuel your energies and connect deeper with yourself,with deep soul searching questions that will change you from inside out and set you on course... especially the biggie** Why Am I Here?? The interesting part of this deal is that it can be done from the confines of your home,office etc Why? It's mail based😘**

So what can I gain then?

#1. Redefine your values

#2. Discover your true self and Purpose

#3. Connect with new people

#4.Get a copy of my first book

You can mail me directly at or

Remember learning never ends ....

Much love

Anne-😘😘😍😍 Marie


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