How A Growth Mindset Helps your Relationship

Hey lovie! How are you today? It's a new day, so get excited and live this day with an attitude that expects good things to happen to you, because each day is an opportunity to learn new things, to stretch beyond your comfort zone, to believe in God and in yourself because ALL THINGS are POSSIBLE.

In my last article on Mindsets and Relationships, I talked about how what worked for Jill may not work for Jack and the need for you to root out negative thoughts inorder to build a healthy relationship. I trust that now, you should known your mindset?πŸ˜ƒ. You can always visit my blog and read up other posts if you feel bored.. My desire for you is to advance towards success and get it right with your relationships so today I will be sharing with you on How a growth mindset can help your relationship. 

To begin I will love you to be painfully honest and answer these questions below.

Let’s look at the impact of a fixed mindset on your past or current relationship.

Think about either your past or current relationship as you answer the following questions:

  • What is the reason you ended the relationship with your last partner, or he or she ended the relationship with you?
  • What is the ongoing problem in your current relationship?
  • What was the reason or topic for your last fight with your partner?
  • What was going on in your relationship the last time you considered whether you are in the right relationship or not?

Do well to pen down your answers, I can't promise you that I have all the answers but this is a good way to propel you towards growth.

Well doneπŸ“♠♥♥♥♥. You are amazing

How Does This Help Your Relationship??

1. It Enables You Accept Responsibility For Your life

A fixed mindset tries to repair self-esteem after a failure by assigning blame and making excuses.

“John Wooden, the legendary basketball coach, says you aren’t a failure until you start to blame. What he means is that you can still be in the process of learning from your mistakes until you deny them.” – Dweck9

A growth mindset helps you take responsibility for your actions and decisions because you don’t blame others for them.

2. It Strengthens Your Confidence

Those in a fixed mindset do not have less confidence than those in a growth mindset. The problem is that their confidence is more fragile and easily undermined by setbacks and effort.

For example, in a study by Joseph Martocchio (1994), employees taking a computer training course were either put into a fixed or a growth mindset. Before the course, confidence in their computer skills was equal. After the course, those in the fixed mindset lost much of their confidence in their computer skills, while those with the growth mindsetgained confidence.

3. Lowers Your Risk of Depression

In a study performed by Baer, Grant, and Dweck (2005), students in the fixed mindset had higher levels of depression because they ruminated over problems and setbacks.

In another report from researchers at Duke University, there was a strong link found between anxiety and depression among females who aspire to “effortless perfectionist8

Yeah do that's it! 

It takes tons of work to make a relationship work. Don't give up on your relationships just like that****** instead look for other ways to make it work and encourage your partner to be the best they can be. Remember no one is perfect. Sharing is caring; feel free to share this with others.. 

Next we will be looking at Growth Mindset and the Workplace..♦♦πŸ’ΊπŸ’ΊπŸš§

See you tomorrow...

I value you and thanks for visiting today please come tomorrow😊.


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