Yaay** Good morning to you all.....How are you today?

So tell me if you were not bound by the confines of your mind, who would you be?  Last month we examined Mindsets ranging from Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset, we also saw the relationship between Mindset and money, Mindset and the Workplace, relationships and so on.  I am certain that a good number of you were able to identify your Mindsets and you learnt vital things that changed rattled your thinking. So after Mindsets what next? May be it's time for a reset...
Eeeh! Reset ke? The human mind is powerful,whatever you set your heart towards will be manifested in due time.
But why do you need to reset? When you purchase a new phone, it has to be reset for it to operate optimally at its peak, for instance if the date reads July 26,2012 and the time reads ....2am when in the actual sense it's 3pm ** Your reactions will be spontaneous right? You won't smile at it and say yes yes yes, most of you will even say forward ever, backward never😂😂. Issalie ***
In the same vein, some of your perceptions of how things are needs to change in order for you to advance... What areas of your life do you think needs a Reset?? Think about it.....Are you skilled at telling lies?, Is your lifestyle unhealthy?, Do you need to reset your priorities?, Are you involved in too many things and you don't know how to say no? The list is endless, but there is a way out. What is it you have to reset? It could be your attitude, the way you talk to others etc.

What will this do for you? It will enable you know what you stand for and what has shaped your beliefs and ideas, you will discover amazing things. I'm not promising it's going to be easy but it's worth it.. 

Think deeply about it... Next, we will examine different areas that needs a Reset and how to go about it

Have a beautiful day and keep winning😍


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