Know your Mission!


I know we have come across this word countless times.

So tell me what is your mission? Do you have one? Or you are just floating upandan😂😂😂

To make your life really count you must develop a sense of mission or you will end up going around in circles. I've seen that in life we are more bothered with what we are created to be than what we are created to do.

So it's pertinent that you develop a sense of direction, mission,meaning and destiny in life. Everyone of us deep down in our hearts want our live to count for something. Not something ordinary but something extraordinary.

Living a life that counts implies that you must know what you are doing,where you are headed and plan out the steps to reach your goals..

Develop a sense of mission and keep yourself fresh. If you have got no mission,find time to sit and craft one. You are not here by accident. Reach out to the depths within and bring out your precious stones.

Don't give up


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