Stay Joyful!

Wearing a long face shows you still have a long way to go, therefore,rejoice in the Lord,and again I say, rejoice

- Bishop David Oyedepo

Yaay! Joy! 

Hehehehe.. So much joy▪

I recall a popular song that was sung by destiny kids titled joy! 

Joy Joy Joy !! In my heart is singing✨ Joy Joy Joy!! Jesus sets me singing🎆 and so on..

Depression will not take you far,Joy will! In living a Purposeful life,you have to be joyful. Do all you can to stay joyful and retain your joy🔶

No matter the situation don't wear a long face. Quit worrying!

Worrying is the advance interest you pay on troubles that never come.

Be cheerful! Be joyful!

Have a fab day 😎


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