Stretch Yourself

Hello friends♠🔸
Top of the morning to you all😀

How often do you stretch yourself? Are you on stretch avenue or you are seated at #1 just there street😂😂

I have discovered in my interactions with people that when I pop up a question such as How are you? The reply I get is just there😑 others seldomly say fine..

You are too full of potentials to be just there.. A rubber band is never useful until it is stretched. A good number of people are afraid of stretching. Your ability to stretch expands your capacity to receive more and do more.
Often times I hear people say one of these days, I will stretch myself and that day never comes. Why? They keep on procrastinating.

'One of these days is none of these days'

Don't just stay in a continual state of contentment..

Stretch yourself! Tomorrow depends on the choices you make today.

Enjoy the stretch😂😘😎


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