Whew! The year ends

Eneeen! So the year ends today??
Tell me something😁😁😁😁

How time flies 😊😊

Exactly 364 days ago, we all looked forward with glee and excitement into the coming year,we had full blown expectations,aspirations, and personal plans..

So what happened? Did we achieve any? If yes 😀 I say congratulations! and if No don't worry there is always room for improvement in the school of greatness.

Down memory lane 51 Sundays have come and gone, we have met new friends, quit bad habits, learnt new things,switched careers,taken risks and experienced the shifts.

Despite the happenings in your horizon, always look back with gratitude. Often times things don't go as we planned and in the end it all works together for our good.

You may  not have that job,that car,that apartment or promotion yet.
That it didn't happen in 2016 does not imply the doors are shut against you.

Repel the negative thoughts that⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ constantly assail you, whispering foul lies in your ears that nothing worked for you and revel in the truth that 2016 is a good year, also  2017 is your best bet! The best is yet to come .

As you take stock of your life I encourage you to ponder on these questions..

  (a) How have you grown significantly      this year?

(b) Who and what are you grateful for?

(c) What limiting beliefs have you let go and what positive ones have you imbibed?

Remember your answers holds the key to your future.

I wish you all a prosperous and productive 2017😇

Happy New Year in advance😃😃📃

Cheers to your rise!

You are valuable


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