Who is your friend?


Good morning sunshine🔷
Today we will be looking at friendship🚺🚺🚺
Who is a friend? Who is your friend?

The company you keep determines what follows you. There is an adage that says "Show me your friend and I'd tell you who you are". .😇

In living life purposefully,you must mind the company you keep and those you move with. Take out time to examine the friends in your horizon and their contributions in your life . While doing this don't use money as a determinant factor.. Friends are blessings to our lives.

Humanity was never built for independence but rather for interdependence💑👥.

•~A friend is someone who knows you and still loves you

•~ A friend stands with you despite the odds and opposition's

•~ A friend brings out the best in you and is interested in  your well-being

•~ A friend is never selfish

•~ A friend encourages you always.

°Friends are priceless
°Choose your friends wisely


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