The difference between HARD WORK AND WORK HARD Pt 1

Hard work! Work hard! What is the difference sef😂😂. This brings to the fore a phase in my life when I was preparing for my exams,my mother will always tell me... You must work hard oh😂hard work doesn't kill laziness does😂😂😂. Yes Ma, I'd reply. I'd read and read and read till I get exhausted and fall asleep.

So one day I thought of it. What is the difference between hard work and work hard? Is it not the same thing..😐😀often times these two words are used interchangeably but the truth remains that Nothing works without Work.

There is a difference between working hard and doing hard work. When you are doing hard work,you labor with your physical strength with little or no use of your intelligence, creativity,or mental ability .Your mind is not put to work therefore your brain goes to sleep. I have seen people who labor tirelessly and get peanuts at the end of the day😑😑.  On the other hand,working hard implies engaging your potentials,creativity,mental ability to solve problems and generate results better than the status quo.

When you work hard,the greater volume of the work is done by the brain in direct proportion to the mind because the mind commands the brain to do the work before it is carried out by the hand. Interesting isn't it😃. You need hindsight to work out what you have in you and work your way to greatness.

"All men who attained greatness did a measure of work,but not all men who did a measure of work became great"- Ochuko A. Obayaghre

Enjoy the rest of your day😃


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