Think more and succeed

It was Majek Fashek who sang a song which goes thus: We are going to the promised land but your promised land is your mind..

Hmm. Promised land my mind? How??
It got me thinking too or I'm travelling inside my mind😂😂😂.

How often do you think? If you had thought more yesterday,your life today would have been better off than what it is at the moment. Don't be too lazy to task your brain.
It is pertinent to note that your mind is capable of gearing your body to success but your body can not move your mind to success. The consciousness of your personality in relation to the quality of your mind wields a powerful over what you respond to and what becomes of you at the end.

Engaging in mind exercise is crucial if you must take giant strides in actualizing your goals.Your mind is responsible for the things you fear and the things you believe,the things you neglect and the things you pursue. You may say oh I've forgotten it jare😂but it's there and it resurfaces later when you are faced with a major challenge.

The mind controls the brain,it sends information for the brain to act upon but does not depend on the brain for final conclusion. I've observed that what you think in your heart is what your inner self will accept and bring back to you in reality.

Your mind is powerful so exercise it daily to produce results,think well and succeed.

You CAN do it!
Take that step!


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