What is your Vision?

Hello peep's,

Thank you all  for keeping up with my blog and reading my updates.πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

So today I'd be sharing on Vision..

What is Vision? 

Vision is knowing what you are here for. It is a divine insight into your life as revealed by God

At the beginning of each year,its expedient that you redefine your space,clear the clutter and get rid of anything that won't move you forward. Oh yeah! Bitter pillπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚I know....

So what do you need? A vision. This brings to the fore a phase in my own life where I examined people's visions and said to myself oh Anne! You can do this baeπŸ˜‚ in no distant time I saw my own folly and retraced my steps

One of the things a New year does for you is that it gives you an opportunity to set your priorities right,redefine your focus and how you stay on course so you don't end up being cursed. Live your life in such a way that everything you do is an opportunity that is worth your time. 

There is a popular adage that says : "As you make your bed so shall people lie on it" . Before people lie on it you will lie on it first now baπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚... So sit up! 

'Bed' here does not connote the king-sized bed in your bedroom rather it connotes your life. Your lifestyle is your bed,what you beautify it with determines how it will attract or repel others and this begins by having a vision.

God does not write your vision for you, you have got to do it yourself. Stop being afraid to write your vision down. Don't get involved with things that waste your time..

I've discovered that most people are taken off by procrastination and end up achieving nothing at the end of the year. May this not be your lot.

One thing a vision does for you is to put you in check and serves as a reminder to where you are going. Living without a vision makes life boring and plunges one into depression.

Remember those who think on paper think better. If you are too big to write your vision then you are too small to be blessed. 

If you can is confidence but if you do its competence..

I know you CanπŸ˜€

Give it a try and don't ask whyπŸ˜‚

#maximise your life

#Locate your vision

You rock!


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