Your Purpose OR Your Pain?

Often times in life,we go through different things ranging from setbacks, challenges,hurts betrayals,delay,the pain of a break up, financial depression amongst others.  In all these experiences there are always vital lessons embedded for us to learn from and become stronger at the other side of life.

Nevertheless our ability to look beyond our pains translates into glorious possibilities for the future.

When a woman is in labor,the pain is so intense and she brings forth her newborn with all her strength. In the end,she forgets the pain and focuses on the newborn .

Our pains are not meant to deter us or make us give up in the face of trials.There is a purpose for your pain and whatever you are going through right now.It doesn’t mean God hates you or that you are incomplete. God does not waste one second of the clock that measures the time of your precious life.

In Romans 8:28 the scripture says : We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to his purpose

Your purpose is more important to God than your pain! Not that He does not care?  He has loved you with an everlasting love. So begin today by putting aside the pain from your past because God is interested in YOU and you must fulfil His purpose for your life

I pray for you today that the light of God floods your life and your eyes be enlightened to see your purpose and not your pain because everything written about you is truly great.

Hold your head high up! Something great is about to happen


You rock


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