Happy New Month πŸ˜‡

Yaaay! Welcome to a new month. The month of March. Happy new month to you all. May your life move forward this month.  I hope you enjoyed last month and all its goodies😎. Two months gone and ten months left. Whew! So how has it been all along?😃 What lessons have you learnt and how has it shaped your life?

These are things I want you to take cognizance of so you don't go on living life haphazardly. I want you to live your best life and make tremendous progress. Don't wait till you get to heaven darling😍You can latch on to your goals and make impact.

I remember two years ago in my home country we all looked forward with glee to the Presidential elections and the top political parties had their agenda. I recall vividly the 'March Buhari' saga anticipated by the People's Democratic party (PDP) and the clamour for Change by the All Progressive Council(APC). It's been two years now and we have seen the results. So this month we will again examine a vital topic that concerns us all including me which is.... Facing the realities of life

Life is full of complexities. How do you survive the rigours of life and live a balanced life despite the circumstances? Only the weak and ignorant blame their parents,relatives,country and race for how their lives turned out. In order to make the most out of life,you must know who you are,you must adapt to changes and confront problems. These and many more we will be addressing through the course of this month. Also,I will be featuring someone who has defied the odds and stood tall irrespective of the raging tempest. Stay tuned for more details coming soon .
Have a beautiful day ahead
#Don't throw in the towel.

Happy new month😘


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