Relationship and Sacrifice Pt1

Hello darling. Oops! Did I just say that😎. yeah! You are priceless,all the millions in Nigeria can not be compared to your worth.  My heartfelt apologies for the break in transmission.. I'm back now so today let's examine a vital topic that concerns everyone of us.... Sacrifice! Hmmm... Okay! Let's begin***


Ooooh! I'm tired of this my guy oh honestly I'm tired. Ordinary sacrifice your iPhone 7 as a proof your undying love for me,he is speaking japanese.. After he will be saying I love you baby! I love you! Love my foot and he is not even picking my calls sef. Common iPhone 7,he cannot give somebody!  Hahahaha

Do you fit into this scenario😂😂. Take a deep breath and relax...

According to Amie M. Gordon,close relationships require sacrifice. A sacrifice is the loss of something you give up usually for the sake of a better cause. The truth is there is no relationship you are currently involved in that does not require sacrifice. Every successful relationship is at a cost..

**see her mouth like price..#rolling my eyes simultaneously# what does she even know...price my foot...

To further buttress my point let me share an excerpt from one of the experiences I had in the university. I was just admitted as a freshman to study a course I never knew existed in this world, so I observed the usual 'October rush' at that time and I was not interested in saying a romantic hello to any yoruba guy on campus so I decided to cast my lots and decided to date someone far far away from the western region..I won't mention his name. After school hours hehehe I'd sleep ehn to the extent that if my phone is ringing I won't bulge..thereafter I'd wake up at 12:30 am on the dot and make night calls till 4am. Thanks to Mtn Xtra cool.. Making calls at that time was as cool as cucumber.

Since I read easily at night instead of reading I'd be on engrossed on phone as though I was speaking with an angel on duty. At the end I'd sleep like a baby only to wake up later in the day,check my timetable and see a course that I never liked.. chai! This lecturer should not come today.. Then I'd look up to heaven and say Oh Lord! You know I did not sleep well😂may this lecturer not come today, Has the Senate sat this session oh my* let them sit tomorrow, may his car spoil on the road😂😂 I'd say all these things oh honestly. I'm a good girl o biko😂😂😎*stop looking at me one kain. I promise tomorrow no night call,as your child  I will read.. I won't tell you the result. Lol! Not today😂😂.

So I was jejely making sacrifice for that guy oh till I overheard a friend of mine say these words. Hmmmm. In this school ehn I learnt that if you don't pass well in your first year,you will be asked to withdraw. I said eh! Babe! Explain the withdraw as in they will send you home? She said yes! I got to my room thankfully my roommates were not back. I said ewo! Chineke God..... I cannot go home oh except on holidays. Satan listen to me**you cannot pour water in my garri lai lai!!
I reject it. *waving my hand over my head in a tufiakwa motion*its not my portion*I was a devout employee of my boyfriend at that time till I realized it was a useless sacrifice that almost became a burnt offering. Whew! We will continue in our next episode next week. Stay tuned for more updates. Thank you for reading my blog today

#Live on purpose
#Be happy
#Have a beautiful weekend.
You rock!


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