Relationships and Character

......Your character counts! It counts big time! No matter how fast you run,no matter how hard you try *** your true character will always be revealed and remembered..Most times people don't remember what you did for them but what you did to them.... So what have you done💥

Good morning lovelies I hope you slept soundly💤. So today let's examine a critical factor that plays out in the events of our lives and our relationship with others which  is CHARACTER.. Most people shiver when they come across this word** it sends a cold chill down their spine. Oh no! Not again. What is your character?  who are you? You! yes You!!

Your character may be revealed during a test or when you least expect. Character is a strong determinant of relationships. No one wants to go out with a person who lacks integrity,or a person whose character is questionable. It comes often times in varying forms and degrees unfortunately,many ladies fall flat for this,also guys are not left out too. It is often said that tiny droplets of water makes an ocean not just an ocean but a mighty ocean.
There are tiny matters we treat as👆👆👌 insignificant,we permit them into our lives and they reside with us and become part of us. Your character is who you are when no one is watching so they say but I have come to discover that others may be watching too infact they are watching.

Character is not built when you are asked to do the things you want to do. Let's say for instance you want to wash pots🚫Hahahaha.. This reminds me of a scenario while growing up as a child I'd do my house chores jejely and leave out the pots😂😂😂. My siblings will say come oh is it that you are afraid of pots or you see them in your dreams😂😂😂most people are allergic to pots please if you are kindly send me a mail. Lol! Alright so I'd leave the pots out as if they were infected with skin disease😂😂😂but today the story is different. So character is not built when you are asked to do the things you want to do instead it comes by doing things you don't want to do. No one is perfect we all know that so stretch yourself a little and remove the unwanted weeds.

A good character does not fall like ripe cherries from heaven it has to be cultivated and it takes time if you are willing to make the most of it.As you gently weave in and out of relationships your character will be tested. There is no future in saying it can't be done. Give it a try,remove the unwanted weeds and work on your character. It Pays!!

Lots of love
#Be wise

Have a great day. You rock!


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