Relationships and You!

Relationship is the building block of life. As you journey along in life it's expedient that you evaluate your friendships and relationships. Each relationship you are currently in now whether emotional or platonic either propels you forward or takes you backward.

You must recognize those God has brought into your life and their purpose for being there. I've discovered that people come your way for a purpose, they come either for a reason,a season or a lifetime.Those who don't value your time will not respect your wisdom. The quality of your life is greatly dependent on those you call friends.

Who are your friends?

There is no such thing as accidental friendship.  Every individual in your life influences you one way or the other. Don't just go through life choosing friends like cashew nuts from a basket. Two cannot walk together unless they agree. Before you embrace relationships do well to ask this question.Can I walk in agreement with this person?😷Often times we venture into relationships wrongly only to find out that things are not the same as it were in the beginning.Walking in agreement does not imply you have to be in the same church,country or better still birthday mates.Walking in agreement means that you walk on a common ground of inner values. There are pivotal questions to engage in before venturing into relationships. They are:

1. Do I want to move with this person or am I just playing around?😣

2. Am I in a relationship because this guy,lady or woman accepted me the way I am?😌

3.Do I want to become like those I spend my time with?

It is pertinent you establish this fact before moving on to the next phase otherwise you will encounter problems. So how do you know the right people you can walk in agreement with? We will continue in our next episode😂😂

Stay tuned
#Relationships are vital
#Examine your motives

Have a fab day
You rock😍😍


Unknown said…
Thanks Ebele. God bless your spirit man always

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