The difference between HARD WORK vs WORK HARD Pt 2

Errrm excuse me Sir, my mother said if I work too much I will faint😂😂. Sir this my right hand can not work effectively the bone there dislocated last night😂😂😂
In one way or the other,  people give excuses due to inactivity. They dread being sent to the bank to pay in money or do something of significant value to them. 

The work you do with your physical strength accounts for 25% while brain work which is centered in the mind covers 75%. Physical strength brings you up to 1/4 of what you could have achieved if you if you had put your mind to work.

I have discovered that the less privileged and disabled of the society end up doing greater exploits because they have harnessed the unlimited resources of the human mind while some individuals with hands,legs and perfect eyesight can not think for themselves. If you are not at your desired location, don't sit there complaining,look for the missing puzzle and swing into action.

You have no excuses to hang on to. There is something lacking you need to reach out for. So reach out and do it! Stretch!
Stop pointing accusing fingers🙆🙅
Get up! and maximize your life

Yes you Can...


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