Yaay! Its Valentine๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

Chai! This network ehn .. Diaris God ooh. The society is too serious.lol.

Yaay! It's Valentine..... I'm so excited. So much cake to eat today😂😂. Happy Valentines day to you all😘😘😘
It's that time of our lives when we rekindle the flames of love in our hearts that started many years ago. Cheers to friendship,love and marriage.

"You are the moth attracted to the flame,Iam the candle and you got me melting"... Singles this is not your hotspot oh😂

Love! Love is what binds two hearts together. But sadly today romance has developed wings and many African homes are not what it used to be. In this time of economic recession love hard! Infuse yourselves with so much love that many waters can not drown.

When was the last time you whispered softly "I love you to your wife/ husband? Irrespective of what happens Love always wins.. Today don't use lines like you are the sugar in my tea,the cockroach in my cupboard,the mosquito in my mosquito net..😂😂change strategy!

Make out time today to speak softly to your partner and appreciate him/her for painting a colorful rainbow on your horizon. Baby I love you forever is a good way to start....

Write that love note and tuck it in his briefcase or a better place, hug your partner,kiss your partner,  renew your vows, pop wine,eat chocolates😘 cherish the moments you have spent together. Most men don't go out with their wives😐. You can even do 'oriki. Life is to be enjoyed and not endured. Go out of your way to do something special no matter how small and you Mr😉don't just stand there smiling do the needful too. Pray a blessing on your wife, celebrate her like you did at the beginning when you were wooing her. Don't let economic hardship steal the love you have for each other.

Make it sizzling hot and special. You may not be gifted at crafting words but an SMS that shows how much you care makes the difference. Do this today 😊.
To those in a serious relationship leading to marriage keep it simple and classy. Remind yourselves of the reason you said YES in the first place and sign your unwavering commitment to loving each other and creating the pace for others to follow.
Dear singles,stay focused... don't be in a hurry. May you be found....

Happy Valentines day
#ignite the love
#rekindle the flames
#just do it#
You rock



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