Life and its Phases

Life is in phases and men are in sizes....hmm.. How true is that?

Before I go further, I will like you to consider these maxims..

1. Everyone is destined for the top not the floor. If you want to be an eagle,don't associate with chickens and don't fly with vultures

2. Where you live cannot alter your destiny.It is how you think and act that will propel you to your rightful place
So adjust!

Top of the morning to you all. So how are you today? I hope you slept soundly☺.
Life is in phases and your ability to recognize this and maximize each phase determines what happens next.. If you go through life in a hurry you will repeat your seasons and learn your lessons.
Chances are that if you miss a phase,the probability of maximizing the next will be very slim because you can't afford to abort the process,if you jump you will fall. Let me explain further using an analogy..

When a child is born,he does not learn to crawl in split seconds,he learns little by little and gets accustomed to his environment. Between the ages of 1-7 is hinged solely on the educational and cultural development of that child because whatever he learns at this phase,determines how other phases of his life will be developed. At this phase he learns the fundamental things,how to identify words,spell and pronounce words correctly etc. Once he misses it at this point,he is most likely to encounter difficulties in the next phase due to his inability to adapt,recognize letters and alphabets and his speech may be impaired if adequate measures are not put in place. That's why it's expedient to pay attention to the development of your children and wards. Leave no stone unturned so you don't call them dullards tomorrow.
So it is with life.🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 Each phase is characterized by its own timing and time can not be stored or can only be maximized. It's very crucial that you understand the time and phase you are in so that when the spotlight shines on you,you won't miss your lines.

So what phase are you presently? Think about it and pen down your answers.If you are unsure,don't beat yourself to it,there is hope for you.. Relax and hold your head up high because your best days have just begun. Always remember that it is not too late to change the direction of your life.. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step in the right direction.
Unsure of what to do next? You can mail me right away.I'd be glad to hear from you.
See you tomorrow
Enjoy your day♥♥♥


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