Meet Damilola Adewale, the Ibadan baker

Good morning lovelies, sorry for the break in transmission.....It's good to be back!
As part of my goals to celebrate women  who defy the odds and latch on to their dreams.... We have on the hot seat today Damilola Adewale, an excellent lady who started out small but has increased her scope of influence by diligence and creativity.. Stay tuned  as she shares her story

Hello dear, good morning.

I am Ebele Anne-Marie

1. Can I meet you?

I am Damilola Adewale. A native of osun state. Studied human nutrition and dietetics from ui and have a masters degree in Public health also from the university of Ibadan Nigeria

2. So what motivated you to go into baking?

Damilola Adewale: I didn't really choose baking, baking chose me. I stumbled upon it, saw that I was good in it and decided to go for more training. I've always loved the arts though

3. When did you bake your first cake?

Damilola Adewale

I baked my first cake shortly after Nysc in 2014. It was a wedding cake.

4. How did you cope financially?

Damilola Adewale

I was able to cope by buying all my tools and supplies in small quantities and then I was working so I used part of my salary to finance my training.

5. We're there times you experienced disappointment? How did you handle it?

Damilola  Adewale: I made a cake once for a very close friend. He said he couldn't transfer that he had issue with the transfer so I made the cake only for me to deliver and he didn't pay me. He started saying stories. Up till today he is still owing me. Another family friend ordered for cake and cancelled the order the night before the day of delivery and lots more all of these experiences have made me to tighten up my terms and conditions. If u don't deposit for a cake, I can never make d cake for you even if I have all the supplies on ground.

6. How did you handle the pressures associated with baking?

Damilola  Adewale: Pressures...I just manage somehow ni. I hate disappointing people so I do all it takes even if it'll involve lots and lots of sleepless nights. I love perfection.

  9. Well, I try my best always. I study my clients so I can give them the best service as it suits them and I keep on improving on my skills so each cake ordered from me is an improvement over the last.

7. How was it like, building from the scratch??

Damilola Adewale: Well, building from scratch wasn't much of a big deal...I just took it a step at a time. Still building as right now I still work from home but it hasn't been a lot of work. There have been encouragements here and there.

8.Have you ever had a baking disaster? How did you redo the recipe and made a good product?

Damilola Adewale

Baking disaster...yea. More like cake disaster sha. I was transporting a box of 12 cupcakes one day and I was almost there ooh only for the cab man to enter one big pothole
(no thanks to our Nigerian roads) and all the cakes turned upside down and smeared. I was almost crying. I had to go back home to redo all. Thank God I had sent a picture of d cake to d client earlier if not she probably wouldn't have believed me.

9.What stands you out from other competitors?

Damilola Adewale

Well, I try my best always. I study my clients so I can give them the best service as it suits them and I keep on improving on my skills so each cake order

10. Have you ever had a rude customer? How did you deal with them

Damilola Adewale

  Rude customers? Lol of course and I have also had very lovely customers too who have become friends.

Damilola Adewale: I work from home for now @akala express, new garage (or just put akala express, new garage).

11. Where is your office located?

Damilola Adewale: I work from home for now @akala express, new garage
(or just put akala express, new garage)

12. Do you have a mentor you look up to in this industry?

Dami Adewale: Mentors...a lot...I love kitchen pastries, dripples cake and lots more
My contact: 08057412442/ 07057773995

13. What inspires you in this business?

What inspires me is a zeal to succeed and be outstanding I whatever I do.

Thank you so much.


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