PURPOSE ooooo..Pt 1

 PURPOSE! At every turn, I keep hearing this Purpose*** What is Purpose? Some of you may be thinking*" who has it helped?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. 

Hahahaha, hey lovie, welcome to a new day where everything is possible by the power of God at work in you. One beautiful thing is God works in us to will and to do His good pleasure and that includes You too. You yes YOU!! But wait a minute😎, have you discovered your PURPOSE???. I recall vividly last month, I wrote a note to you, narrating how I sojourned like a hunter till I was able to answer this question... Why Am I Here?

This 'PURPOSE ' is as important as the air you breath. You are on earth for a reason. In the next series, I will tell you why I am taking it personal like thisπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. 

So let's dive in.... What is Purpose?

Purpose is knowing the reason for your existence. So many people are caught in the mad rat race of living. Others are copycats simply adopting the lifestyle of others and adjusting their regimen to suit their needs. Perhaps you are just on the fence unsure of the right steps to take,or you have tried fitting into another man’s lane by engaging in his field of endeavor without profit,God has a plan for you. 

Know this******

When purpose is not known abuse is inevitable. You are created to solve a problem, to meet a need, to bring joy and succor to others and this knowledge does not fall like ripe cherries from heaven. It takes constant efforts,persistence and the grace of God.

No man arrives at a future he can not see.- Bishop David Oyedepo

Churn on this for today. I believe in you and I know you will achieve great things.

Have an amazing time😍


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