What Is Your Mindset

Hey sweetie... Welcome to a new dayyy!! That you are up today is an indication that God's hands are outstretched towards you and God is mindful of you. Many people long to be alive today but they are no more.. Be grateful...

Good morning to you esteemed readers. So today I will begin a new series on 'Mindset' kindly look out for my posts and share with your friends and colleagues.
To begin, I will be sharing with you the story of the chained elephant and delve into how it pertains to your mindset..

The Chained Elephant Story

Elephants, at a very early age, are trained to obey commands
and perform tricks for the amusement of visitors at any circus.

When I was around 7, a big circus hit my small town.

My mom obliged and took my brother and me to see the show.
On our way out, I noticed that as these huge, majestic creatures rested,they had one of their massive front legs tethered to a stake by a small chain.

Considering their size, you would think that they could easily break free from such a thing yet they didn't.

I was surprised that these huge animals just stood there and made no easy attempt to escape. It will be so easy for them to break free.  

So my mom approached a trainer, who explained: 
“Back when they were young and smaller,” the trainer said, we use that very same,small-sized chain to tie them and at that age, it is enough to hold them.

As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away.

They believe the chain can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”

Wow! This elephant ehnπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Anyway it's an elephant you may say** how does it relate to 'me'? You yes You..

The first step is knowing what a mindset is.. What is a mindset? A mindset is a belief that orient the way you handle situations. Your mindset plays a major role in the outcome of your life because it can either propel you forward or otherwise and this makes a big difference in your life.......
According to Dweck, it is not what you are born with that matters; what matters is your mindset. In the story portrayed above, the elephant could not move beyond a certain point because it's mindset was limited.. Also bear this in mind that the view you adopt for yourself affects the way you live your life.So my question to you today is..... WHAT IS YOUR MINDSET???
There are two types of mindset. A fixed mindset and a growth mindset...Do you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset??
Click this link to take this test . I wish you all the best. Remember learning never ends and this is a great way to improve your self and learn new things..

I will like you to take this test.. πŸ˜ƒ


In our next series we will examine the next phase... Growth Mindset/ Fixed Mindset and lots more.

Stay lifted



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