Your Mindset And Your Relationships

Hello dear! Welcome to a new day. Do you know that your mindset can affect your relationships? Whether you are currently in a relationship or not, this I believe will help you make adjustments and get things right.

Until we ask the right questions, we won't get the right answers. Often times what works for Jill may not work for Jack so what do you do? Before going into a relationship it is expedient that you set your mind right because your mindset is crucial in developing a healthy relationship. There is no magic about this sweetie.. Having the right mindset in relationships does not apply to only one gender, it applies to both male and female.

Often times,singles  believe that meeting the right partner is all it takes to create that one relationship they have been waiting for. Once they meet the right partner, the relationship will take care of itself, and all other things will be added😂😂😂😂😂.
Also most people in relationships want their  partner to accept them just as they are which is very important* Accept me as I am,  don’t ask me to change”, or watch me as I go 😂😂😂😂 .   Hahahaha** seriously but the attitude of 'don't ask me to change  or watch me as I go will not work my dear or may be except you want to take a walk through the exit door and wait for another. A friend of mine humorously said guys are like buses when one goes another one comes😂😂😂.
Now if you have negative beliefs on why anyone would love you or you use your past relationships to  measure the love quotient of the new dude or babe who just came on board then you may need to watch it because it will hamper the growth of your relationship.

So how does this affect your mindset?

#1. According to Dweck, people with a fixed mindset want their ideal partners to put them on a pedestal

#2. Make them feel perfect

#3.Worship them

While those with a growth mindset want their partners to:

#1.Challenge them to become a better person each day

#2. Help them work on their flaws

#3. Encourage them to learn new things

Growth in itself is painful but it stretches you beyond your comfort zone. Changes are scary too but they teach you lessons you could learn from.

Assignment for today. Lol

1. If you find yourself in the shift mindset zone, do a paradigm shift to a growth oriented mindset.
2. Remember to forward this to your partner, it's worth the read🔹or share excerpts.
If you don't have a partner🔷kindly share with your friends.
Remember sharing is caring

I value you. Have a beautiful day.
Next we will be looking at ' Mindset' and Money...

See you later


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