Hello delectable Queens, how are you today? Wow! Thank God you are alive, it’s a great privilege given to you by God.Ehen. You know prayer changes things ba?? I know you have heard this before. So part of my goals is to see girls stand firm and become equipped to be great women in the society. For the past 7 months,I have been actively engaged in praying for girls, I’m extending this to you too, if you know any young girl, teenage girls especially that this will be of immense benefit to, kindly holler me or send a message, I’d love to hear from you. There is an army rising and God is doing a great work in our midst….or are you not tired of hearing gory stories about rape, sexual abuse, gender mutilation and the likes??? I don’t know if you are tired but personally I’m worried and prayer is the best place to start from…Furthermore it’s not only prayers we do there oh before you wink your eyes at meπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜™we do Bible study, we talk about things affecting girls and other things…

If you will love to be part of this, you can send a mail to whengirlspray@gmail.com..

We look forward to hearing from you. Every woman was once a girl😍😍 Mother’s are not left out of this too.

Stay beautiful and blessed


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