Accept Full Responsibility For Your Life

Often times I hear parents say to their children and wards, just tell me what you want I will do it for you.. Its beautiful to know that as parents, we want the best for our children but knowing when to draw the line matters a lot.. As we nuture our children and groom them into all God has for them, its expedient that we also teach them what it means to be RESPONSIBLE early so they can learn and grow up to be balanced individuals in the society. A 35 year old adult who still lives within the confines of his parent's house and depends on them for literally everything has not learned to be fully RESPONSIBLE I have realized that many people go through this life without a purpose.If you want to live a great life and fulfill your dreams, you need to stop living carelessly and take life by the horns and be armed to face whatever it throws at you. There are seven stages a human passes through during his or her life span. These stages include infancy, early childhood, middle c...