
Showing posts from December, 2016
In living a purposeful life, the first step is accepting full responsibility for your life. Until you accept responsibility for your life nothing changes. Life is full of bends,twists and turns. However, we must strive to be our best always and harness our potentials. I have seen that most people are afraid of adapting to change.  Changes are scary but they teach us lessons we can learn from. How you respond to each situation goes a long way in affecting the outcome of your life. Things don’t always go as planned so don’t get mad or plunge into depression. A bend is not an end,things will get better. Stay hopeful and give thanks always. Focus on what is working and forget about what is not working. Soon everything will make sense. Life is to be enjoyed and not endured Live on purpose and not by default

Whew! The year ends

Eneeen! So the year ends today?? Tell me something😁😁😁😁 How time flies 😊😊 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 Exactly 364 days ago, we all looked forward with glee and excitement into the coming year,we had full blown expectations,aspirations, and personal plans.. So what happened? Did we achieve any? If yes 😀 I say congratulations! and if No don't worry there is always room for improvement in the school of greatness. 🔷🔹🔶🔸 Down memory lane 51 Sundays have come and gone, we have met new friends, quit bad habits, learnt new things,switched careers,taken risks and experienced the shifts. Despite the happenings in your horizon, always look back with gratitude. Often times things don't go as we planned and in the end it all works together for our good. You may  not have that j...

Happy New Year people😃😀

Yaaay!! It's a New Year😎😎 Happy New Year lovelies😃😃 I'm so excited you made it into the year 2017. I thank God for you and I pray this year births new dimensions in your life and may all your dreams come to fulfilment. So what are your plans for the New Year? Do you have any? Or???you are just on the fence😑😑 In making the best out of this year, its imperative that you have a vision for your life, set your goals clearly in view and get armed with a road map so you don't end up engaging in the mad rat race of living without any thing to show for it. He who fails to plan,plans to fail... Preparation entails planning,programing and seeking necessary helps. As you make your plans,endeavour to seek help where necessary and don't be in a hurry to advertise  your ignorance.  Please take note of the following😃 ◼◾◾◾◾◾⬛◾◼  ðŸ”¶ Don't be too big to ask questions😀😀 ask questions for clarity and develop your gifts 🔶Whatever your mind can not comprehend you are not em...

History of the New Year

Congratulations to you all! Happy New Year.💑😃😘😘 Without much ado I welcome you all to a New year. Year 2017!  We give God thanks for bringing us into this year,may it be a great year for you too.  🗿🗿♥♠♠♠♠♠♠♥ So overtime, I have observed that we just chorus Happy new year! Happy new year! Do we have an inkling to how it started?  Today I will be sharing briefly,the history of New Year to keep us abreast on how it all started. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♣♣♣♣ In 45 B.C., New Year’s Day is celebrated on January 1 for the first time in history as the Julian calendar takes effect. Soon after becoming Roman dictator, Julius Caesar decided that the traditional Roman calendar was in dire need of reform. Introduced around the seventh century B.C., the Roman calendar attempted to follow the lunar cycle but frequently fell out of phase with the seasons and had to be corrected. In addition, the pontifices, the Roman body charged with overseeing the calendar, often abused its authority by addin...

Thanksgiving Note

We are just two days away to the end of the year 2016. 😃 As you look back at the experiences you have  had from January- December, look back with gratitude Undoubtedly the year 2016 has been a great year despite the odds you stood tall and you are still standing🔹🔸 I encourage you to send a thanksgiving note or message to those who enriched your life in colorful ways. Your mentors, associates,colleagues and friends.  The greatest character gratitude possesses is its inability to remain hidden. If you look back at your life this year,you will realize there are friends who have sown into your life in various ways. If there is one thing I have enjoyed this year it is destiny relationships. The relationships I had this year surpassed my expectations and taught me how to place value on others. To all those whom I came in contact with this year😀 Thank you. Thank you for being there, thank you for your criticisms they made me grow,thank you for your love and most especiall...

2016 Year in Review

Wow! We are barely three days away to the end of the year 2016.📆 How time flies😎 So how has it been for you? For me it's been a year of cumulative experiences,unprecedented growth and learning on all sides. I learnt new lessons even from my own mistakes. It's pertinent that we come to terms with this and review our lives in retrospect to enable us know how we fared,where we made errors and also where we need to make amends. Don't shy away from this because it enhances your ability to tear down old habits, change  false thinking patterns, adjust your way of life and ensure you don't repeat same mistakes next year or else you will keep going round in circles. "The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized from the lifetime of the opportunity" What does this do for you? 1. It opens your eyes to see the areas where you are lagging behind 2. It enables you carry inbuilt motivation to achieve your goals 3. It helps you capture the pi...

Identifying the relationships in your life

Relationships are the building blocks of life and one of the resources God has ladened us with. Often times people resort to finance as the only  means of forging ahead. Having money is not a bad idea after all👯but it should not be a defining yardstick. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In identifying relationships that are pivotal to your life, its expedient that you watch how the people in your life respond to different situations that arise. Everyone that comes into your life should not automatically qualify to be your friend. Don't build relationships with the wrong people.  Integrity is a determinant factor when assessin...

Who is your friend?

Yaay! Good morning sunshine🔷 Today we will be looking at friendship🚺🚺🚺 Who is a friend? Who is your friend? The company you keep determines what follows you. There is an adage that says "Show me your friend and I'd tell you who you are". .😇 In living life purposefully,you must mind the company you keep and those you move with. Take out time to examine the friends in your horizon and their contributions in your life . While doing this don't use money as a determinant factor.. Friends are blessings to our lives. Humanity was never built for independence but rather for interdependence💑👥. •~A friend is someone who knows you and still loves you •~ A friend stands with you despite the odds and opposition's •~ A friend brings out the best in you and is interested in  your well-being •~ A friend is never selfish •~ A friend encourages you always. °Friends are priceless °Choose...

Stretch Yourself

Hello friends♠🔸 Top of the morning to you all😀 How often do you stretch yourself? Are you on stretch avenue or you are seated at #1 just there street😂😂 I have discovered in my interactions with people that when I pop up a question such as How are you? The reply I get is just there😑 others seldomly say fine.. You are too full of potentials to be just there.. A rubber band is never useful until it is stretched. A good number of people are afraid of stretching. Your ability to stretch expands your capacity to receive more and do more. Often times I hear people say one of these days, I will stretch myself and that day never comes. Why? They keep on procrastinating. ' One of these days is none of these days' Don't just stay in a continual state of contentment.. Stretch yourself! Tomorrow depends on the choices you make today. Enjoy the stretch😂😘😎

Domestic violence

DOMEST IC VIOL ENCE🚫 From different parts across the globe,we see an influx of negative tides billowing across homes and families which brings to the seashore "domestic violence" It's no longer news that the tides have changed and domestic violence is on the increase. The vast majority of abusive and violent behaviours that have erupted in homes is quite alarming and the woman is the victim.🆘 Domestic violence is a gender issue prevalent among women and should be understood between the context of inequality and social structure. The right of male counterparts to dominate stems from the patriarchal norms of the society we live in. So should violence continue?? KEY FACTS🚺🚻 1. Women are at least three times more likely than men to experience violence from their counterparts 2. Eight out of every ten women aged 18-24 are harassed on the streets 3. Young women (18-24) experience significant higher rate of physical and sexu...

Know your Mission!

Mission!  I know we have come across this word countless times. So tell me what is your mission? Do you have one? Or you are just floating upandan😂😂😂 To make your life really count you must develop a sense of mission or you will end up going around in circles. I've seen that in life we are more bothered with what we are created to be than what we are created to do. So it's pertinent that you develop a sense of direction, mission,meaning and destiny in life. Everyone of us deep down in our hearts want our live to count for something. Not something ordinary but something extraordinary. ♦♦♦♦♦♦ Living a life that counts implies that you must know what you are doing,where you are headed and plan out the steps to reach your goals.. ♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠ Develop a sense of mission and keep yourself fresh. If you have got no mission,find time to sit and craft one. You are not here ...

Stay Joyful!

Wearing a long face shows you still have a long way to go, therefore,rejoice in the Lord,and again I say, rejoice - Bishop David Oyedepo Yaay! Joy!  Hehehehe.. So much joy▪ I recall a popular song that was sung by destiny kids titled joy!  Joy Joy Joy !! In my heart is singing✨ Joy Joy Joy!! Jesus sets me singing🎆 and so on.. Depression will not take you far,Joy will! In living a Purposeful life,you have to be joyful. Do all you can to stay joyful and retain your joy🔶 No matter the situation don't wear a long face. Quit worrying! Worrying is the advance interest you pay on troubles that never come. Be cheerful! Be joyful! Have a fab day 😎

Merry Christmas lovelies

Yaaay! Christmas is here again. Okay I know it was yesterday and today is boxing day😂 lol Clears throat So its a festive season. It's not just a season of eating chicken and assorted rice but a season of joy. The joy that emanates from within and radiates on the outside. The joy that comes from knowing that God sent his son into this world as a gift for mankind. Jesus Christ is new everyday. He is the oldest gift with the newest effect. He was given to us 2000 years ago and he is still irrevocably relevant. So be grateful to God! Stay joyful and be happy I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New year With l ove from Anne-Marie

Welcome to my blog

Hey sweetie😃 How do you do? With great joy I welcome you to my blog. it's geared towards empowering you to rise above limitations,latch on to your goals and live a best life. Oh yeah! You are not disadvantaged and anything is possible only if you will pay the price for it. Most people are stuck today because of indecision . Not to decide is to decide not to. "In order to succeed,you must know what you are doing,like what you are doing,and believe in what you are doing"- Will Rogers Dare to live your life purposefully not on default and you will be amazed at the results you will generate Cheers to your rise! ***********"""***" I believe in you! You are simply phenomenal Anne-Marie